new year


The start of a new year (2015!) should welcome new resolutions right? I for one was never big on setting goals for myself because I know I’ll never get around to them (no matter how motivated I start out) and this invites failure and disappointment. But for me, failure and disappointment usually don’t reach me because I’ll just keep setting the same goals until I stop caring about them. In some way, I’m procrastinating or delaying results, but I know I’m only cheating myself. That is, if I allow myself to think I’m cheating myself out of being productive, which I can safely say is not the case.

Needless to say, I’ve stop making New Year’s resolutions for quite some time now. Don’t worry, I still set goals for myself, but they usually don’t coincide at the beginning of the calendar year (mostly because I’m too busy gorging myself on food) and they’re usually small, last-minute sort of deals.

Then yesterday happened (like it always does). One of my sister’s friends gave her a Craft-A-Day calendar, which was some perfect timing on her part because 2015 had yet to start. DSC_0355

Flipping through it, there are some really fun-looking projects in there that make me want to run to the nearest crafts store. Now I’m definitely NOT doing a craft a day because that would be laughable on my part, but I’m aiming to do my—technically our (my sister included)—favorite of the week. Each week is themed and this week’s is all things snowflakes!

To make my sort-of resolution less official (because let’s face it, if I’m still crafting by December, a miracle has happened), I’m including some disclaimers such as:

  • The goal is one project per week, but it’s not the end of the world if we don’t get around to it because we’re not well stocked on supplies.
  • I would like to make a post each week centering on said project to track my progress, but I might not have time especially when school starts up again.
  • This goes with the one above. I feel like making a post each week is a little trivial because I don’t want to bore anyone with simple, but cute crafts (you can surely find better ones on Pinterest), so I’ll keep my sharing to a minimal.
  • I can stop anytime I want to. I’ll most likely forget rather than stopping voluntarily, but hey, at least I can say I tried.

On that note, good luck fulfilling your resolutions if you made any! If not, I hope you still have a great year!