
Knit in Progress – A Cable Scarf

DSC_0225I know I’ve been out of it for a while now (blame school), but I recently started up another knit (that is not a hat!) because I was inspired by a design on a sweater I just bought. By “just bought” I mean like two weeks ago—time really does fly. I’ve actually never tried to copy a design before, mostly because I can’t figure a pattern out to save my life, but this one was simple enough, so I looked up some stitches and tried to piece it together as best as I could (technically I needed to re-familiarize myself with the fisherman’s rib stitch.

The color is called pumpkin, which is quite fitting for this season (or maybe a month ago?), and I’ve had this skein laying around for a while, but I couldn’t figure out what to do with it because it’s a very ambiguous color (if colors could be ambiguous). I didn’t think I could combine it with another color (to tone it down), but it looks great on its own, and you can actually see the pattern, so I’m happy with it so far.DSC_0227 (3)

It’s also different from the scarves I usually make (aside from when I first started out and didn’t know what infinity scarves were) because it’s going to be a traditional scarf. By “traditional” I mean that it’s going to have two ends! I normally don’t make “traditional” scarves because I find it hard to wear. Yes, I can put it on, but there are so many ways to loop it around your neck (versatility is good right?). Then there’s the fact that these scarves aren’t symmetrical when I wear them, and sometimes I can’t deal with that. Problems, problems, problems. I know. Please excuse my weird preferences.

The other thing is that I can never make both ends look the same. I guess I should look into other methods for casting off… And for me, the end that I bind off from is usually awkward and rigid, and it doesn’t feel natural. I keep considering adding tassels to the end of these projects, but I’m not much of a tassel person. Roadblock! That’s why I take detours and knit infinity scarves instead. Then again, they usually have a seam when I connect the ends…

Does anyone else have these have these problems or am I just overthinking everything?

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Presenting… The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Brittany (YarnBOB)! Thank you for the vote of confidence; it means a lot! You guys should head over there and show her some love!

Liebster Award

So the Liebster Award has been spreading through many blogs, and it’s a really great way for bloggers to be recognized, but I’m a rule breaker at heart, so I’m putting a little twist in mine.

The rules are pretty general and vary across the border, but the basic gesture is that if you are nominated by a Liebster Award nominee, you get to answer the set of questions they give, come up with your own set of questions, and nominate other bloggers. Of course, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

The 10 questions I was given:

1. What was the first thing you made? Who was it for?

The first thing I made knitting-wise was a pink and white scarf. I’m not sure if this counts because it’s still unfinished and is probably hiding in the back of my closet somewhere. I really had no one in mind when I made it (probably a contributing factor to the reason why it’s still unfinished). Like the scarf, I like to think that my knitting journey is still unfinished—continuing, if you will—so I don’t think I’ll be finishing that scarf soon (should I find it) because it would signify the end of my knitting escapades, and I’m just getting started.

2. What is your favorite project that you’ve made?

My favorite project would be the Ribbed Annabelle by Sea of Knits. If you can’t already tell, I love infinity scarves.

3. How did you first learn to knit/sew/crochet, etc?

I learned to knit through my grandmother. Cliché, isn’t it? She lives all the way across the country and came to visit us one summer. The reason why I never finished that first scarf was because she left before she could teach me to bind off (that and I probably wanted to set a world record by making the longest scarf in the world).

4. Do you have a favorite yarn (or other supply) that you like to work with?

Over the summer, I got into Lion Brand’s Wool-Ease (worsted weight). I’ve never worked with yarn that was wool or even partly wool before, so that was fun.

5. Any favorite designers (clothing or pattern)?

I don’t actually have a favorite designer or anyone who came to mind when I read this, but maybe Sea of Knits because they created my favorite pattern for my favorite scarf.

6. Where do you like to shop for your supplies?

I used to shop at A.C. Moore a lot, but since they don’t have a location near my college, I’ve been running to JoAnn Fabric. Fun fact: I’ve never been to an actual store that specialized in just yarn, but I would love to!

7. Is there a craft or project you’ve wanted to try, but haven’t?

I really want to learn how to crochet. I have the crochet hooks and everything, but I like learning new trades in person so I can ask a million stupid questions without having to look them up on the Internet.

8. If you were on an island with one social media outlet, which one would it be?

I was going to say this blog, so I could keep people updated, but then I figured who would really want to blog while on an island? Okay, it mostly depends on what I can do on the island… My final answer would be YouTube; I can easily laze around and watch videos all day.

9. What are you working on now?

I’m working on a brownish-tan colored hat that I’ve yet to decide what goes on beyond the brim. I like making my own pattern as I go along.

10. What’s next on your list of projects?

Maybe another hat or a pair of legwarmers. Stay tune 😉


My 10 Questions for my nominees:

  1. If you could do only one thing all day, what would it be?
  2. What is your favorite go-to movie or book? If you don’t have one, what kind of movie or book do you feel like watching right now?
  3. What’s your favorite kind of weather and why?
  4. What are four words that describe you best?
  5. What is the best meal/food item you can make?
  6. Do you have any special talents?
  7. What are your favorite color combinations?
  8. What’s the most interesting gift you’ve ever received?
  9. How do you greet people (a word, nod, handshake, etc.)?
  10. What is one invention you can’t live without?


My nominees:

Lavender and Olive She has great knits, especially scarfs and cowls, and there’s food involved! What more can you ask for?

Strikkelysten – She makes wonderful dishcloths, and she’s living the dream in Rome!

The Sock Monkey – He knits the most beautiful socks I have ever seen. “Such beautiful socks,” as I like to call them. I admire anyone who makes socks because it’s the one thing I cannot do and because I love wearing socks.

The Twisted Yarn – All things knitting, crocheting, and life. Enough said.

Right here is where I’m breaking the rules.


I have a thing about bothering people on their own blogs. You can tell that I’m new to this community. I like having people bother me though, just not the other way around, so I’m not going to notify my nominees like I’m supposed to (shh!), but I would like to recognize them. Their names are linked, so you should go check them out (if you haven’t already)!

Along the same lines, this award is a great way to reach and connect with bloggers, so I don’t think it should be limited to just the nominees. I would love to hear more about you, so if you want to answer these questions on your blog or in the comments, go right ahead!